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Ethiopia- Ahmed Abateman Limmu
Country: Ethiopia
Region: Agaro, Jimma
Producer: Regional Producers
Growers: Ahmed & Khalid Abateman
Variety: Ethiopian Heirloom
Process: Washed
Elevation: 2000- 2200 MASL
Ethiopia is often considered one of the birthplaces of coffee. Wild varieties grow in the shade of forest trees and are picked for various reasons but mostly flavour and disease resistance. Ahmed Abateman and his brother Khalid work a 35 hectare estate where they grow coffee from their own seed and seed supplied by the famous Jimma Agricultural Research Centre.
Traditionally Ethiopian coffees were naturally processed; whole coffee cherries being placed on cement patios to dry, then husked for export. However, in 2018 Ahmed and his brother were able to purchase a hand driven depulper that allowed them to start honey and semi washed processing this coffee. Semi washed and honey processed coffee leave the pulp of the fruit on the seed while drying which increases sweetness in the cup and allows for a cleaner finish.
We have roasted this coffee light to medium to be able to fully experience the unique flavours from Ethiopia’s perfect growing conditions. The aroma of chocolate and nuts match well with tasting notes of cocoa, golden syrup, black tea and pomegranate.
Best served as a filter coffee and served with a sweet treat.
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